Saturday, September 28, 2013

Isn't Marriage great?

Isn’t Marriage great?
There is so much written about how wonderful and sacred the bond of marriage is. I am going to spare you the details and go straight into my thoughts on this …

   It takes a single “WTF” from your spouse to question a previously taken decision:

I had the misfortune of interacting with an insurance agent/employee of an insurer/ broker…whoever…to get a certain problem I was having with his company solved quickly. He made all sorts of promises, all promises "subject to realization of cheque” for a new policy. It seemed like a great idea at that time…so I said, ok Mr.So and So, on your guarantee I shall take the new policy” blah blah. …
Total talk time: about 40mins
I was thrilled at how well I handled that conversation. More so because I was in the insurance industry for a good five years myself!!! Ha!! I really outsmarted that Sales Dude!!

Come evening, Hubby darling calls from out of town, I tell him proudly all that I spoke about…..his response…”WTF, come on really. That is just so stupid…”
Total talk time on the subject: about 1 minute.

Final Result: Spent 2 hours browsing the internet (in the middle of the night) and wondering if I did the right thing with Mr.Agent.  Next morning first on the "things-to-do" list – stop payment of issued cheque for new policy!!!
Isn’t marriage great?

  Buying a car:

We had long discussions about this one. We talked and talked! In the end here are the solid plans we came up with,
Plan 1 -  Sell the old one buy another one, we really need to save rather than spend!
Plan 2 – keep the old one, buy a used car.
Plan 3 – get a great car from the office since they are giving away cars cheap.
Plan 4 – Participate in all lucky draws that the big malls and stores are offering, and win a car (oh yes, we’re surely going to win at least once….we were convinced about this and that thing we call law of averages or something)
Final result: Kept the old car, bought a brand new top of the line car at full price. (Hey, no regrets 
 whatsoever, it’s a fab car and has a great resale value!!!)
Isn’t marriage great?

  Our little baby is scratching her head like crazy, she’s so uncomfortable with the heat and her little head of silky smooth hair

Hubby: We need to shave her head
Me: No that is such a bad idea…her hair is so silky
Hubby: But it will grow back better, really! It will
Me: What if it doesn’t?
Hubby: Ok, but we should keep trimming her hair.
Me: Deal

A few days later, and many minutes of vicious scratching later,
Me: Ok fine you are right, let’s shave her head. Poor kid is so uncomfortable!
Hubby: Great, ok, I’ll make an appointment for it

That night,
Hubby: Her hair is so smooth and silky
Me: Yes, it is. But she’s so uncomfortable
Hubby: What if it comes back badly?
Me: But it won’t, most times it comes back much thicker
Hubby: But still…..what if??

Final Result: Said haircut indefinitely postponed. Go Figure!!

That’s right, say it with me…..Isn’t marriage great?

There is so much more that i could add to this list, but hey, this is a blog not a novel, so I shall stop here! 

Happy Weekend everyone!